Village Show 2022 Schedule and Entry Form – The village gardening club will be holding the annual village show on Saturday 13th August 2022 at Cheriton Bishop village hall. Please follow the link to find out more details including how to enter. Entries should be submitted no later than Thursday 11th August at 7pm.
May 2022 newsletter
April 2022 Newsletter
The April 2022 edition of the village newsletter is now available here.
March 2022 Newsletter available
The March 2022 edition of the village newsletter is available.
Gardening Club update – February 2022
This year we are going to do our best to get back to our normal activities.
There are two more winter talks – on February 21st a talk by Sue Hedgeland on ‘Devon Violets’, and on March 21st a talk by Penny Jones on ‘Why Primula Seiboldeii?’. Talks are held at 7.30pm in the Village Hall and all are welcome.
On Sat 2nd April there will be the Spring Show in the Village Hall. Open from 2.30 pm why not come along to see the flowers and have a cup of tea and cake in the Village Hall. There is no entry charge.
In May we plan a cream tea, date to be confirmed, and the Village Show is on August 13th. Anybody living within 4 miles of the Parish Church is welcome to enter, not just Gardening Club members, and there are classes for cookery, flower arranging, crafts and classes for children to enter as well as the usual flowers, fruit and vegetables. The schedule will go on the website after the Spring Show.
Another date for your diary is the annual dinner on November 12th. Details to follow later. People have been known to join the club to make sure of getting to the dinner, although members do bring guests as well.
Janet Jeffery
Spring Show 2022
The village gardening club will be holding their annual show on 2nd April 2022 at the village hall. If you would like to attend or take part you can find more details on the downloadable schedule and entry form.
February 2022 newsletter and new local ads
Village Hall news
Sadly, I have to report that Tim Gorringe has resigned as Chairman of the Village Hall Committee after many years. This is because he and Gill are hoping to move soon, probably out of area. I do not know how long Tim has been chairman, but one of his major achievements was the installation of photo-voltaic panels on the roof. These have now paid for themselves and contribute a regular sum to the hall for units of electricity generated and fed into the national grid. These payments have contributed substantially to the hall’s finances for the last 12 years out of the 25yrs we are expecting to profit from them. So thank you Tim for your hard work for the Hall. Hopefully one day Covid will no longer be such a threat and we can reinstitute the Harvest Suppers, and look forward to you and Gill coming as customers not organisers.
This means that there are now vacancies for new people on the committee. We do not meet very often, so if you feel you have a few hours to spare every two months or so, and are interested in keeping this facility going for the village, please let me know.
I shall be taking over as Bookings Clerk from the beginning of February, so please contact me and leave a message on the answer machine if I am out, and I will get back to you as quickly as I can. Alternatively, you can send a message via the web site Contact page.
Janet Jeffery
Tel: 01647 24414