Cheriton Bishop Gardening Club has been running for many years. We have monthly meetings during the winter months, a Spring Show, a Cream Tea and Mini-show in May, the main Village Show in August, and a very good Annual Dinner in November. We also do a bulk seed order in the autumn with D. T. Brown.
We have friendly links with Drewsteignton Gardening Club and have a joint meeting each September, alternating which Village it is held in. October and November meetings have a speaker, the December one is for making seasonal decorations with seasonal refreshments as well. The January meeting is a Gardening Quiz, again with participation from Drewsteignton Club, then February and March meetings have speakers.
Village Show 2024 Schedule and Entry form
2024 Events
A talk on Vegetable Growing the No-Dig Way by Tim Ellis – March 18th 7:30pm, Spalding Hall
Spring Show – Saturday 30th March from 2:30pm, Cheriton Bishop Village Hall Cancelled
The Spring Show has now been cancelled. Most daffodils have bloomed early so there will not be enough by the end of March to hold the Spring Show.
Cream tea and Mini-show – Saturday 18th May from 2:30pm, Jendia (if fine) or Village Hall (if wet)
Summer Show – Saturday 10th August from 2:30pm – Schedule and Entry form
Classes for children, cookery, crafts as well as fruit, vegetables and flowers. Schedules will be available to download. Also available from Janet Jeffery (01647 24414)
For more details, please contact:
Janet Jeffery
Photos from the May 2020 mini-show
The gardening club held a mini-show in May 2023. Each competitor prepared a vase of flowers from their garden that morning, one stem of each type they had in flower.
First place was awarded to Molly Hutchings:

by Molly Hutchings
There were 3 people in second place: Jane Whitehead, Maureen Barber and Janet Jeffery.
More photos
Here are a selection of photos from members’ gardens. Many more can be found on the Facebook page.